I am really, really sick of answering one question.
This is a question I get via email. In every copywriting forum. At events.
And that question is “What do you charge for…”
This is a question that there’s endless answers to. In an attempt to finally have a definitive answer to this question for online freelance copywriters, I reached out to 4 friends of mine:
- Kevin Rogers of Copy Chief
- Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers
- And Kira Hug and Rob Marsh of The Copywriter Club
All five of us get this question all the time.
So, we decided to team up together and end this question forever by creating
The Definitive Freelance Copywriter’s Guide To Pricing
This guide is going to cover what people are actually charging, how much they’re actually getting paid for different types of projects, how to think about pricing for consulting or retainers, and who is actually getting royalties.
(You hear in a lot of groups that you should always be asking for a percentage on the back end. Well, I want to know how many people are actually charging royalties and what that percentage is like).
There’s other pricing guides out there for copywriting services but most are made up. I did a survey last year and I had 78 copy writers that I polled. That was some really good information but the cool thing is with the collective resources of Copy Chief, Copy Hackers, and The Copywriter Club as well as Freelance Co-op, the data is going to be the most accurate available.
We are setting out to answer not only how do you price, but also what are some trends in our industry? Is there a pay gap between women and men in copywriting? Is it true that English as a second language writers do better? How are you charging if you’re a Canadian? Australian? American? British? What difference do these kind of factors make?
There’s tons of data across the corporate world but I’d love to see in the freelance world what is going on.
So with that, we need your help to make this happen.
If you’re a freelance copywriter, could you fill out this pricing survey?
We’re going to combine the data in the aggregate across all of our communities. We will not use any of your individual information so please be as honest as possible about what you’re charging and what kind of projects you’re doing.
This is only up for a limited time. So fill it out as soon as you get a minute.
P.S. If you get an email from one of the people I mentioned above (Copywriter Club, Copy Hackers or Copy Chief) you don’t have to fill it out more than once. We will be filtering out duplicate responses but don’t waste your time and fill it out twice. All of the responses are going in one database.
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